
miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Tp: La densidad

Para entender el concepto de densidad hicimos un experimento. 
Aquí podrán ver la presentación con los pasos hechos en clase, una conclusión y un resultado. 

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

The polite thin cows and the rude fat cows

Once upon a time, a cow lived in a faraway field, a very thin and ugly cow , she was called Sparkle. She lived with her friends. Sparkle spent ,most of her days starving, until a kind farmer gave her and her friends some hay.Always there were some beautiful and well feeded cows, around the field. Sparkle and her friends were very jealous of them because of their beauty. Sparkle thought that was very unfair because pretty cows, made fun of her and her friends. But once,as she was very tired of their behaviour, she decided to follow them and see how good their life was. Although she was scared, she decided to keep moving on.

All the cows started to moo, and she saw that the farmer was clasping a very ugly label on their ears. Sparkle was scared because the farmer was near touching her ear with the label and the stapler. A moo was heard, the farmer clasped the label on Sparkle’s ear. She was the last one. The farmer started to push the cows into a dark room where the cows that got out of there, were dead. Mooing and trying to get out of there, Sparkle asked to a friendly cow where they were going. The cow said, TO DEATH. And Sparkle wanted to escape from there too.

Sparkle ran away too scared and too fast that the farm was quickly disappearing in the landscape. She finally returned to her field with her thin and ugly friends, the cows. She told  them how fortunate they were for being thin. But, some cows didn't believed her so Twinkle, her best friend believed her words and convinced everyone in the field. 
Years went by and the sunny field was not the same. The cows now,  were old and fat. And, one evening a farmer came, and Sparkle realized that now it was her time. 

Moral: You have to accept yourself and do not wish what others have.

viernes, 12 de septiembre de 2014

Mar Muerto

Para introducirnos al tema "La densidad" y comprenderlo mejor investigamos acerca del Mar Muerto y utilizamos scribble map para marcar la ubicación y poner información sobre este.
¿Por qué es famoso el "Mar Muerto"? ¿De qué manera afecta a la biodiversisad, las características de este ambiente?
Aquí podrán ver el mapa con la información:

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

¿Qué y paraqué las TIC en el Colegio?

En Ciencias Naturales decidimos hacer una tabla en la cuál teníamos que poner qué y para qué habíamos utilizado estas páginas o redes sociales en el colegio.
Aquí podrán ver mi tabla:
¿Qué y paraqué las TIC en el aprendizaje?